Page 136 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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                             The Shariah Committee comprises experienced and qualified individuals who
                                              perform the following responsibilities:

                  Advise  the  Board,  Management  including  the    Assess the work carried out by Shariah Review and
             1    Bank’s  subsidiaries  and  provide  input  to  the   4  Shariah  Audit  in  order  to  ensure  compliance  with
                  Bank  on  Shariah  matters  in  order  for  the  Bank  to    Shariah matters which forms part of their duties in
                  comply with Shariah principles at all times.       providing  their  assessment  of  Shariah  compliance
                                                                     and assurance information in the annual report.
                  Endorse Shariah policies and procedures prepared
             2    by  the  Bank  and  to  ensure  that  the  contents    Provide  the  Bank  with  guidelines  and  advice  on
                  do not contain any elements which are not in line   5  religious  matters  to  ensure  that  the  Bank’s  overall
                  with Shariah.
                                                                     activities are in line with Shariah principles.

                  Approve  the  terms  and  conditions  contained  in
             3    the  forms,  contracts,  agreements  or  other  legal   6  Make decisions on matters arising from existing and
                  documentations  used  in  executing  the  transactions;   future  activities  of  the  Bank  which  have  religious
                  product  manual,  marketing  advertisements,  sales
                  illustrations  and  brochures  used  to  describe  the
                  product.                                           Scrutinise and endorse the annual financial report of
                                                                7    the Bank.

                                             Other Current Positions             Relevant Work Experience
                                             •   Chairman, Shariah Committee of   •   Former Assistant Professor, Ahmad
                                                FWD Takaful                         Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM
                                             •   Chairman of Kolej Professional   •   Former President, Yayasan Dakwah
                                                Baitulmal Kuala Lumpur              Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM)
                                             •   Director of Pusat Wakaf Majlis   •   Former Director & Shariah
                                                Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan     Committee Member, Zurich Takaful
                                                (MAIWP)                             Berhad
                                             •   Member, Islamic Religious Council of   •   Former Shariah Committee Member,
                                                Federal Territory                   Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad
                                             •   Member, Fatwa Council of Federal
                                             •   Legal Assistant, Nuaim Razak and

                                             •   Ph.D in Islamic Jurisprudence,
          DR. YUSRI
                                                International Islamic University of
          MOHAMAD                               Malaysia (IIUM)
          Chairman,                          •   Master in Law (LLM) at The School of
                                                Oriental and African Studies (SOAS),
          Shariah Committee
                                                University of London
               Date joined                   •   Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) (Shariah),
               1 April 2019                     IIUM
                                             •   Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), IIUM
                                             •   Diploma in Shariah Law and Practice,
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