Page 273 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 273


            35.  ceOs, DIRecTORs AND shARIAh cOMMITTee MeMBeRs’ ReMuNeRATION (cONT’D.)

                 The total remuneration (including benefits-in-kind) of the Directors of the Group are as follows (cont’d.):
                                                        <========  Remuneration  received  from  the  Bank  ========>
                                                                                        Other      Benefits-

                 Bank                                  salary       fees       Bonus    emoluments       in-kind       Total
                 31  December  2021                  RM’000       RM’000       RM’000       RM’000       RM’000       RM’000
                 Note  35(a):
                 chief  executive  Officer
                 Khairul  Kamarudin                      1,308         -        464       310           77       2,159
                 Total  chief  executive  Officer
                   remuneration                          1,308         -        464        310          77       2,159

                 Note  35(b):
                 Non-executive  Directors:
                 Tan Sri Tajuddin Atan                       -       240           -        78          50        368
                 Tan  Sri  Che  Khalib  Mohamad  Noh       -        120           -        77           -        197
                 Dato’  Ibrahim  Taib                      -        120           -        89           -        209
                 Iwan  Rashman  Gulamoydeen*               -        120           -        90           -        210
                 Md.  Khairuddin  Hj.  Arshad               -        120           -       163           -        283
                 Johari  Abdul  Muid                       -        120           -       161           -        281
                 Mohd  Razlan  Mohamed                     -         40           -        37           -         77
                 Roshidah  Abdullah                        -         40           -        35           -         75
                 Ghazali  Hj  Darman                       -         66           -        95           -        161
                 Total  Directors  remuneration              -       986           -       825          50       1,861

                 Total  chief  executive  Officers  and
                   Directors’  remuneration              1,308       986        464       1,135        127       4,020

                 Note  35(c):
                 shariah  committee:
                 Azizi  Che  Seman                         -         60           -        35           1         96
                 Dr.  Ahmad  Zakirullah
                   Mohamed  Shaarani                       -         40           -         7           1         48
                 Dr.  Muhamad  Azhari  Wahid               -         40           -         7           1         48
                 Dr.  Mohd  Shahid  Mohd  Noh              -         54           -        13           1         68
                 Dr.  Yusri  Mohamad                       -         54           -        12           1         67
                 Dr.  Mohamad  Sabri  Haron                -         14           -         6           -         20
                 Dr.  Wan  Marhaini  Wan  Ahmad            -         14           -         6           -         20
                 Total  shariah  committee
                   remuneration                            -        276           -        86           5        367

                 *     Director’s fee payable to Khazanah Nasional Berhad.
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