Page 246 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 246

244      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          15.  LeAses (cONT’D.)

              15.1   Group and the Bank as a lessee (cont’d.)
                   (d)    Right-of-use assets

                       The net book values of right-of-use assets are recognised and the movements during the year are shown as follows:
                                                              Leasehold                       Office
                                                                   Land       Building    equipment          Total
                                                                rM’000        rM’000        rM’000         rM’000


                       Net  book  value  at  1  January  2021         214       35,544         1,988         37,746
                       Additions                                      -          1,821              -       1,821
                       Depreciation  charge  (Note  37)                (5)       (8,478)       (1,988)     (10,471)
                       Lease  modification                              -        7,126              -       7,126
                       Termination                                               (6,800)                    (6,800)
                       Exchange  difference                           -             1              -            1
                       Net  book  value  at  31  December  2021       209       29,214              -      29,423

                       31  December  2021
                       Cost                                           303       66,431        11,271       78,005
                       Accumulated depreciation                       (94)      (37,217)     (11,271)      (48,582)
                       Net  book  value                               209       29,214              -      29,423

                                                              Leasehold                       Office
                                                                   Land       Building    equipment          Total
                                                                rM’000        rM’000        rM’000         rM’000

                       Net  book  value  at  1  January  2020        220         42,157         5,745        48,122
                       Depreciation  charge  (Note  37)               (6)        (8,467)       (3,757)     (12,230)
                       Lease  modification                             -          3,143             -         3,143
                       Termination                                     -         (1,289)            -       (1,289)
                       Net  book  value  at  31  December  2020       214        35,544         1,988       37,746

                       31  December  2020
                       Cost                                          303         67,978        11,271        79,552
                       Accumulated  depreciation                     (89)       (32,434)       (9,283)     (41,806)

                       Net  book  value                               214        35,544         1,988       37,746
   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251