Page 214 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 214

212      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          5.   fINANcIAL INvesTMeNTs (cONT’D.)

              (ii)   financial investments at fair value through other comprehensive income (cont’d.)
                   Movements in the allowances for impairment losses on debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive
                   income are as follows for the Group and the Bank: (cont’d.)
                                                                stage  1       stage  2      stage  3
                                                                          Lifetime  ecL   Lifetime  ecL
                                                                            not  credit        credit
                                                         12-Months  ecL      impaired        impaired    Total  ecL
                                                                rM’000         rM’000         rM’000       rM’000

                   At  31  December  2020
                   At  1  January  2020                              119              -        37,251        37,370
                   Allowance  made                                    20              -             -           20
                   Amount  written  back  in  respect  of  recoveries     (58)        -             -          (58)
                   Amount  written  off                               -               -         1,250         1,250
                   Exchange  differences                               -              -          (260)        (260)
                   At  31  December  2020                             81              -        38,241        38,322

              (iii)  financial investments at amortised cost
                                                                                              Group  and  Bank
                                                                                               2021           2020
                                                                                            rM’000          rM’000

                   At  amortised  cost
                   Unquoted  Islamic  corporate  sukuk  in  Malaysia                         146,749           145,515
                   less:  Accumulated  impairment  losses                                     (39,640)     (39,971)

                   Total  financial  investments  at  amortised  cost                        107,109           105,544
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