Page 5 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            REPORTING FRAMEWORK                                                  NAVIGATION ICONS

            This Annual Report 2020 (“AR2020”) covers the period from            In line with the Framework, we
            1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020, in alignment with the            have reported on our value creation
            reporting period of our parent company, DRB-HICOM Berhad.            activities in relation to the Six
                                                                                 Capitals. For ease of reference, the
            We have developed this AR2020 with an aim to provide a               following navigation icons are used
            balanced and comprehensive reporting of the Bank’s financial         to represent each capital and  will
            and non-financial performance, benchmarked against our strategy      appear throughout this report as the
            and our delivery of long-term value. This report also includes       capitals are discussed:
            our  outlook for  the short,  medium  and  long-term to  ensure  our
            stakeholders receive a holistic view of our performance to assist
            in their decision-making.
                                                                                         Financial Capital

            This report discloses  the performance of Bank Muamalat and its
            subsidiaries, located in Malaysia. In developing this report, we             Manufactured Capital
            have adhered to the requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities
            Berhad’s Main Market Listing Requirements and Sustainability
            Reporting Guide (Second Edition), the Malaysian Code on
            Corporate Governance, Bank Negara Malaysia’s Policy Documents                Human Capital
            and Guidelines, the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards
            (“MFRS”), International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”),
            the Companies Act 2016, the International Integrated Reporting
            Council’s (“IIRC”) Integrated Reporting Framework and the                    Intellectual Capital
            Global  Reporting  Initiative’s  (“GRI”)  Sustainability  Reporting

            Unless otherwise stated, information disclosed in this report is as
            at 31 December 2020.                                                         Social & Relationship Capital

                                                                                         Natural Capital
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