Page 2 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 2


         This  design reflects the Bank’s positioning as a people-oriented bank
         that goes  the extra mile  in  understanding  and  serving  our  stakeholders
         better. The images highlight the smiles we bring to our diverse customer
         base through our continuous commitment to stay at the top of our game.
         Corporate coloured bars highlight the corporate strengths and dynamism
         that outline our way forward. The digital lines embedded within depict
         the increased  engagements and  enhanced  relationships we are building
         through digitalisation as we focus on shaping sustainable futures for
         ourselves and for our stakeholders.




             2    About this Report
                                                     4-13                                                16-31
          01  ABOUT US                                          02  OUR LEADERSHIP

             4    At A Glance                                     16    Chairman’s Statement
             5    About Bank Muamalat                             22    Chief Executive Officer’s Statement
             6    Corporate Structure                             30    Shariah Committee Chairman’s Statement
             8    5-Year Financial Highlights                                                            34-50
            10    Assets Performance                            03  OUR STRATEGY
            13    Connected Parties                               34    Industry and Market Overview
                                                                  38    Stakeholder Engagement
                                                                  40    Our Material Matters
                                                                  44    Mitigating Principal Risks
                                                                  46    Our Value Creation Model
                                                                  48    Our Strategic Direction
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