Page 3 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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04  OUR PERFORMANCE                      51-77        06  GOVERNANCE                       106-153

                     CONSUMER BANKING                               106    Our Board Diversity
               53    Consumer Financing                             108    Board of Directors’ Profile
               57    SME Financing                                  115    Shariah Committee Profile
               59    Deposit & Payment Services                     118    Senior Management
               61    Retail Investment                              121    Senior Management Profile
                                                                    126    Committed to Strong Governance
                     BUSINESS BANKING
                                                                    130    Board Leadership and Effectiveness
               66    Business Banking
                                                                    135    Effective Risk Management and Accountability
                     TREASURY AND CAPITAL MARKETS                   136    Relations with Stakeholders
               71    Treasury and Capital Markets                   137    Shariah Committee Statement
               73    Investment Banking                             142    Statement on Risk Management and Internal
               75    Muamalat Invest Sdn Bhd (“MISB”)              07  OUR NUMBERS                      156-418

               77    Muamalat Venture Sdn Bhd (“MVSB”)
             05  SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT          80-105           154    Financial Statements
                                                                           Basel II – Pillar 3 Disclosures
               80    Our Sustainability  Approach                  08  OTHER INFORMATION                419-428
               84    Economic Performance                           419    Corporate Information
               85    Entrepreneur Development                       420    Branch Network
               85    Responsible Financing                          425    Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Content Index
               87    Procurement Practices
               87    Ethics and Integrity
               89    Customer Experience
               90    Digital Banking
               92    Building Environmental Awareness and
                     Sustainable Ecosystems
               93    Energy and Resource Management

               97    Employment
               99    Diversity and Equal Opportunity
              101    Training and Education
              102    Financial Inclusion
              103    Community Development
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