Page 275 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 275

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            37.   OThEr OvErhEADS AND ExPENDITurES
                                                                          Group                        Bank
                                                               31 December    31 December    31 December    31 December
                                                                      2020          2019           2020          2019
                                                                     rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                 Advertisement and publicity                          6,363         9,236         6,363         9,236
                 Donation and sponsorship                              323          4,262          323          4,262
                 Others                                                722          1,783          720          1,770
                                                                      7,408        15,281         7,406        15,268

                 Rental                                                268           520           268            520
                 Depreciation of right-of-use assets (Note 15)       12,230         9,742        11,751         9,301
                 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment
                   (Note 14)                                         11,375         9,810        11,368         9,805
                 Amortisation of intangible  assets (Note 13)        33,213        25,570        33,213        25,558
                 Information technology expenses                      47,640       35,923        47,494        35,812
                 Repair and maintenance                               4,896         3,249          4,513        2,987
                 Hire of equipment                                    4,015         2,679         3,760         2,500
                 Takaful                                              3,828         5,711         3,828         5,711
                 Utilities expenses                                   4,666         3,944         4,643         3,922
                 Security expenses                                    7,623         7,696         7,623         7,696
                 Others                                               4,702         3,095         4,702         3,095
                                                                    134,456       107,939        133,163       106,907

                 General expenses
                 Auditors’ fees
                 - statutory audit
                   - current year                                      517           457           494            434
                 - regulatory related services                         168           228            150           210
                 - others                                              412           337           390            327
                 Professional fees                                    2,790         2,297         2,721         2,139
                 Legal expenses                                        529          1,396          529          1,396
                 Telephone                                            1,916         1,615          1,916        1,611
                 Stationery and printing                              1,682         1,382         1,670         1,369
                 Postage and courier                                  1,907         1,227         1,907         1,227
                 Travelling                                            599          1,570          598          1,566
                 Chief Executive Officer, Directors remuneration
                   and Shariah Committee allowance (Note 35)          4,935         7,048         4,209         6,416
                 Property, plant and equipment written off
                   (Note 14)                                             7            26             7             26
                 Intangible  assets written off (Note 14)              233             -           233              -
                 Others                                              15,358         9,390        18,404        11,187
                                                                     31,053        26,973        33,228        27,908

                                                                    172,917       150,193        173,797       150,083
   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278   279   280