Page 247 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 247

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            15.   LEASES (CONT’D.)
                 15.2   Group and the Bank as a lessor

                     The Group and the Bank have entered into commercial property leases on its investment properties. These non-cancellable
                     leases have remaining lease terms of between one (1) and five (5) years. All leases include a clause to enable upward
                     revision of the rental charge on an annual basis based on prevailing market conditions.
                     Future minimum rentals receivable under commitments and non-cancellable operating leases at the reporting date are as
                                                                                           31 December    31 December
                                                                                                   2020          2019
                                                                                                 rM’000        rM’000

                     Not later than 1 year                                                        1,761         1,876
                     Later than 1 year but not later than 5 years                                 2,434         4,555
                     Later than 5 years                                                              3            123
                                                                                                  4,198         6,554

                                                                                           31 December    31 December
                                                                                                   2020          2019
                                                                                                 rM’000        rM’000

                     Not later than 1 year                                                        1,808         1,922
                     Later than 1 year but not later than 5 years                                 2,312         4,512
                     Later than 5 years                                                              3            123

                                                                                                  4,123         6,557
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