Page 212 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 212

210    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
          31 December 2020 (16 JamaDil awal 1442h)

          4.(A)  CASh AND ShOrT-TErM FuNDS
                                                                                              Group and Bank
                                                                                        31 December     31 December
                                                                                               2020           2019
                                                                                Note          rM’000        rM’000

              Cash and balances with banks and other financial institutions                    9,233        240,500
              Money at call and interbank  placements maturing within one month             2,924,074       771,173

                                                                                            2,933,307      1,011,673
              Allowances for impairment loss                                     (i)            (135)         (448)

                                                                                            2,933,172     1,011,225

              (i)    Analysis of changes in allowances for impairment losses on cash and short term funds are as follows:
                                                                 Stage 1       Stage 2       Stage 3
                                                                          Lifetime ECL   Lifetime ECL
                                                                             not credit        credit
                                                          12-Months ECL      impaired       impaired     Total ECL
                   Group and Bank                               rM’000          rM’000        rM’000       rM’000

                   At 31 December 2020
                   At 1 January 2020                                448              -             -           448
                   Allowance made                                   176              -            -            176
                   Amount written back in respect of recoveries    (489)             -             -          (489)

                   At 31 December 2020                              135              -             -           135

                   At 31 December 2019
                   At 1 April 2019                                  309              -             -           309
                   Allowance made                                   139              -             -           139

                   At 31 December 2019                              448              -             -           448

                                                                                              Group and Bank
                                                                                        31 December     31 December
                                                                                               2020           2019
                                                                                Note          rM’000        rM’000

              Licensed Islamic banks                                                          30,417         53,925

              The weighted average effective profit rate and weighted average maturity of cash and placements with financial institutions
              as at 31 December 2020 for the Group and the Bank was 2.06% per annum and 56 days respectively (2019: 3.4% per annum and
              63 days).
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