Page 209 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 209

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

                 2.5   Significant changes in regulatory requirements (cont’d.)
                     (b)  Measures announced by BNM to assist individuals, small-medium enterprises (“SMEs”) and corporates affected
                          by COvID-19 (cont’d.)
                          Payment assistance and classification in the Central Credit Reference Information System (“CCRIS”)
                          Recognising the challenging environment, financial institutions are granting  additional payment assistance for
                          individuals and SMEs whose income have been  affected by  the  pandemic, to support economic recovery and
                          safeguard livelihood of Malaysians.
                          The assistance is extended to facilities approved before 1 October 2020, which are not in arrears of more than 90
                          days at the time a customer requests for payment assistance. The additional payment assistance will be available to
                          eligible customers until 30 June 2021.
                          The payment assistance does not automatically result in stage transfer under MFRS 9 in the absence of other factors
                          indicating evidence of significant increase in credit risk (“SICR”). Judgement and more holistic assessment of all
                          relevant indicators and information, such as, historical payment and delinquency trend pre-COVID-19 pandemic,
                          are applied in determining SICR. In addition, the financing that is approved under payment assistance is exempted
                          to be reported as rescheduling and restructuring (“R&R”) and credit impaired in CCRIS.
                          Supervisory and Prudential Measures
                          During the financial year ended 31 December 2020, financial institutions are allowed to operate below the minimum
                          Net Stable Funding Ratio and Liquidity Coverage Ratio of 100%, draw down the capital conservation buffer of 2.5%
                          and reduce the regulatory reserves held against expected losses to 0%. However, financial institutions are expected
                          to restore their buffer to the minimum regulatory requirement by 30 September 2021.

                 2.6   Standards and interpretations issued but not yet effective
                     The Group and the Bank have not applied the following accounting standards that have been issued by the Malaysian
                     Accounting Standards Board (“MASB”) as they are not yet effective for the Group and the Bank. The Group and the Bank
                     intend to adopt these Standards, if applicable, when they become effective.
                                                                                                     Effective for annual
                     Description                                                             periods beginning on or after
                     Amendments to MFRS 4, MFRS 7, MFRS 9, MFRS 16 and MFRS 139 Profit Rate               1 January 2021
                       Benchmark Reform - (Phase 2)
                     MFRS 17: Insurance Contracts                                                         1 January 2023
                     Annual Improvements to MFRS Standards 2018 - 2020                                    1 January 2022
                     Amendments to MFRS 101: Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current      1 January 2022
                     Amendments to MFRS 3: Business Combinations-Reference to the Conceptual              1 January 2022
                     Amendments to MFRS 116: Property, Plant and Equipment Proceeds before                1 January 2022
                       Intended Use
                     Amendments to MFRS 137: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent            1 January 2022
                       Assets-Onerous Contracts- Cost of Fulfilling a Contract
                     Amendments to MFRS 10 and MFRS 128: Sale or Contribution of Assets between an   To be announced by MASB
                       Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture
                     The directors expect that the adoption of the above-mentioned Standards will have no material impact on the financial
                     statements of the Group and of the Bank in the period of initial application.
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