Page 167 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 167

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            rEPOrT OF ThE ShArIAh COMMITTEE (CONT’D.)
            We were informed on the causes for the events and noted that the Bank has taken the corrective as well as preventive measures in
            order to avoid recurring events in the future. We also confirmed that the events together with the rectification plans were presented
            to us and Board of Directors and reported to BNM in accordance with the reporting requirements by the regulator.

            Signed on behalf of the Shariah Committee of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad,

            En. Azizi Che Seman                                      Dr. Mohd Shahid Mohd Noh
            Chairman of Shariah Committee                            Member of Shariah Committee
            Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
            29 March 2021
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