Page 4 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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ABOUT                                                                 INSIDE

          THIS REPORT                                                           THIS REPORT

          This Annual Report 2023 (AR2023) which is produced and published
          annually, covers the period  from 1 January 2023 to 31 December  2023,     OVERVIEW
          unless stated otherwise. The reporting period is in alignment with the
          reporting of our parent company, DRB-HICOM Berhad.                    6    About Bank Muamalat
                                                                                6    Vision, Mission
          We have developed this AR2023 with an aim to provide a balanced
          and  comprehensive  reporting  of  the  Bank’s  financial  and  non-financial   8   Success Beliefs
          performance, benchmarked against our strategy and our delivery of
          long-term value. This report also contains our forecast for the short, medium   9    Performance Highlights for 2023
          and long-term which is based on current assumptions and subject to     10   Corporate Structure
          uncertainty due to potential changes in operating landscape. As such,
          these forward looking statements about Bank Muamalat's future         11   5 Years Financial Highlights
          performance should not be regarded as guarantees or promises.
                                                                                12   Assets Performance
                                                                                15   Connected Parties
                                                                                16   Events & Highlights
          This report discloses the performance of Bank Muamalat and its subsidiaries,
          located in Malaysia. In developing this report, we have adhered to the
          requirements of Bursa Malaysia  Securities Berhad’s Main Market Listing
          Requirements and Sustainability Reporting Guide (Second Edition),
          the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (MCCG 2021), Bank Negara   02
          Malaysia’s Policy Documents and Guidelines, Islamic Financial Services
          Act 2013, the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards (MFRS), International   MESSAGE FROM LEADERSHIP
          Financial  Reporting  Standards  (IFRS),  the  Companies  Act  2016,
          the  International  Integrated  Reporting  Council’s  (IIRC)  Integrated   24   Chairman’s Statement
          Reporting  Framework  (the  Framework) and  the Global Reporting      30   President & Chief Executive
          Initiative’s (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards.
                                                                                     Officer’s Statement
                                                                                36   Shariah Committee Chairman’s
          In line with the Framework, we have reported on our value creation activities in
          relation to the Six Capitals.

          For ease of reference, the following navigation icons are used to represent
          each capital and material matter, and will appear at relevant sections across
          this report:

          Our Capitals         Our Material Matters

              Financial Capital  M1 Ethics & Integrity  M8 Customer Experience
                                                           Diversity and
              Manufactured Capital  M2 Economic Performance  M9  Equal Opportunity
              Human Capital     M3 Entrepreneur Development  M10 Training and Education  This report is supplemented by our
                                                                                full suite of online publications, which
                                M4 Procurement Practices  M11 Employment
              Intellectual Capital                                              caters to the diverse needs of our
                                                                                broad stakeholder base as part of our
              Social & Relationship   M5 Digital Banking  M12 Financial Inclusion
              Capital                                                           comprehensive integrated reporting.
                                   Energy Consumption and
                                M6                     M13 Responsible Financing
                                   Environmental Impact
              Natural Capital                                                   These can be accessed at :
                                M7 Community Development              
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