Page 214 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 214


          NOTES TO THE
          31 DECEMBER 2023 (18 JAMADIL AKHIR 1445H)

              2.2  Material accounting policy information (cont’d.)

                   (b)  Financial assets (cont’d.)
                       (iv)  Impairment of financial assets

                            The MFRS 9  Financial Instruments impairment requirements are based on an Expected Credit Loss
                            (“ECL”)  model.  The  ECL  model  applies  to  financial  assets  measured  at  amortised  cost  or  at  FVOCI
                            (with  recycling  to  profit  or  loss),  irrevocable  financing  commitments  and  financial  guarantee  contracts,
                            and financing of customers and debt instruments held by the Group and the Bank. The ECL model also
                            applies to contract assets under MFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers and lease receivables
                            under MFRS 117 Leases.

                            The measurement of ECL involves increased complexity and judgement that include:
                            (1)   Determining a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition

                                The  assessment  of  significant  deterioration  since  initial  recognition  is  critical  in  establishing  the
                                point of switching between  the requirement to  measure an allowance  based on 12-month ECL
                                and  one  that  is  based  on  lifetime  ECL.  The  quantitative  and  qualitative  assessments  are  required
                                to  estimate  the  significant  increase  in  credit  risk  by  comparing  the  risk  of  a  default  occurring  on
                                the  financial  assets  as  at  reporting  date  with  the  risk  of  default  occurring  on  the  financial  assets
                                as at the date of initial recognition.
                                The  criteria  for  determining  whether  credit  risk  has  increase  significantly  vary  by  portfolio  and
                                include quantitative factors such as delinquency, historical delinquency trend, changes in credit
                                ratings and qualitative factors such as well as a backstop based on delinquency. For retail portfolio,
                                a combination of deliquency, historical delinquency trend and qualitative factors are used to
                                determine  significant  increase  in  credit  risk.  For  non-retail  portfolio,  internally  derived  credit
                                ratings  have  been  identified  as  representing  the  best  available  determinant  of  credit  risk  whilst
                                for financial securities, external ratings attributed by external agencies are used.

                                The  assessment  of  significant  deterioration  since  initial  recognition  is  critical  in  establishing  the
                                point of switching between  the requirement to  measure an allowance  based on 12-month ECL
                                and  one  that  is  based  on  lifetime  ECL.  The  quantitative  and  qualitative  assessments  are  required
                                to  estimate  the  significant  increase  in  credit  risk  by  comparing  the  risk  of  a  default  occurring  on
                                the  financial  assets  as  at  reporting  date  with  the  risk  of  default  occurring  on  the  financial  assets
                                as at the date of initial recognition.
                                The  Group  and  the  Bank  assigns  each  counterparty,  financial  securities  and  financial  instrument,
                                credit  rating  at  initial  recognition  based  on available  information  about  the  counterparty,
                                financial  securities  and  financia  instrument.  Credit  risk  is  deemed  to  have  increase  significantly
                                if  the  credit  rating  has  significantly  deteriorate  at  the  reporting  date  relative  to  the  credit  rating
                                at the date of initial recognition.

                                Nevertheless, regardless of the change in credit rating, a backstop is applied and a financial assets
                                is  considered  to  have  experienced  a  significant  increase  in  credit  risk  if  the  financial  asset  is
                                more  than  30  days  past  due  on  its  contractual  payments.  In  addition,  the  Group  and  the  Bank
                                may  determine  that  an  exposure  has  demonstrated  a  significant  increase  in  credit  risk  based  on
                                certain qualitative factors using its expert credit judgement and, where possible, relevant historical
                                experienced that are considered to be indicative of such increase whose effect may not otherwise
                                be fully reflected in its quantitative factors.

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