Page 191 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 191

                                                                                                        OUR NUMBERS

            We,  the  members  of  the  Shariah  Committee  of  Bank  Muamalat  Malaysia  Berhad,  to  the  best  of  our  knowledge,  do  hereby
            confirm  that  the  overall  operations,  business,  affairs  and  activities  of  the  Bank  for  the  year  ended  31  December  2023  are
            in  compliance  with  Shariah principles  but  it  has  come  to the  Shariah  Committee’s  attention  that  two  (2)  Shariah
            non-compliance events have occurred and have been rectified, detail as follows:

            Nature  of  event                             Measures  undertaken                       Status
            1.  Element  of  profit  compounding  in  restructured   -  Adjustment  to  the  restructured  financing   Completed
                account                                     amount and issue new Supplementary Letter
                                                            of  Offer
                                                          -  Enhancement of process for Rescheduling &
                                                            Restructuring  account  in  the  respective  SOP
            2.  Absence  of  Shariah  screening  process  for   -  Enhanced  the  process  SOP  to  ensure  inclusion  Completed
                i-PUSH  Scheme  application  which  has  led  the   of Shariah screening process
                Bank  to  be  involved  in  facilitating  financing  to
                Shariah non-compliance business           -  Channeled the fee received to Maslahah

            We were informed on the causes for the events and noted that the Bank has taken the corrective as well as preventive measures in
            order to avoid recurring events in the future. We also confirmed that the events together with the rectification plans were presented
            to us and Board of Directors and reported to BNM in accordance with the reporting requirements by the regulator.

            Signed on behalf of the Shariah Committee of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad,

            Dr. Yusri Mohamad                                         Dr. Mohd Shahid Mohd Noh
            Chairman of Shariah Committee                             Member of Shariah Committee

            Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
            29 April 2024

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