Page 421 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 421


             9.0   oPerATIonAl rIsK MAnAgeMenT (“orM”) DIsclosures (conT’D.)

                 orM Minimum capital requirement
                 The Group and the Bank adopt the Basic Indicator Approach (“BIA”) to determine the minimum capital requirement for its
                 operational risk. Under this approach, the Group and the Bank set aside a fixed percentage (a or alpha factor) of 15% of
                 positive annual average gross income, averaged over the previous three years. The Group’s and the Bank’s minimum capital
                 is presented in table below:

                 Table 26: orM minimum capital requirement
                                                                   31 December 2021             31 December 2020
                                                                                Minimum                     Minimum
                                                                      risk        capital         risk        capital
                                                                 weighted    requirement      weighted   requirement
                                                                    Assets        at 8%         Assets         at 8%
                                                                   rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                 Group                                           1,321,435       105,715       1,259,314       100,745
                 Bank                                            1,302,128       104,170       1,250,046       100,004

            10.0  shArIAh governAnce DIsclosures
                 BMMB’s shariah governance structure is governed by BNM’s guidelines on Shariah Governance Policy Document (“SGPD”),
                 and any related guidelines issued by the authorities, subject to variations and amendments from time to time.
                 Shariah governance system as defined by the IFSB Guiding Principles on Shariah Governance System on Institutions Offering
                 Islamic  Financial  Services  (“IFSB-10”)  refers  to  a  set  of  institutional  and  organisational  arrangements  to  oversee  Shariah
                 compliance aspects in Islamic financial institutions (IFI).

                 In this context, Shariah non-compliance risk has been defined as “the risk that arises from the Group’s and the Bank’s failure
                 to comply with the Shariah rules and principles determined by the Shariah Committee (“SC”) of BMMB and relevant Shariah
                 Authorities (“SA”) committees.

                 Shariah risk management and governance in BMMB are in accordance with the Policy on Shariah Governance (“Policy”),
                 which is endorsed by the Shariah Committee and approved by the Board. The Policy is drawn up in accordance to the SGPD
                 issued by BNM on 20 September 2019.
                 In  ensuring  the  operations  and  business  activities  of  the  Bank  remain  consistent  with  Shariah  principles  and  regulatory
                 requirements, the Bank has established its own internal Shariah Committee and internal Shariah Organs, which consist of
                 Shariah Division, Shariah Audit, Shariah Review, and Shariah Risk Management.
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