Page 187 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 187


            2.   sIGNIfIcANT AccOuNTING POLIcIes (cONT’D.)

                 2.3  summary of significant accounting policies (cont’d.)
                     (b)  financial assets (cont’d.)
                          (ii)   Derecognition

                              A financial asset is derecognised when:
                              •    The rights to receive cash flows from asset have expired.

                              •    The Group and the Bank have transferred their rights to receive cash flows from the asset or have
                                   assumed an obligation to pay the received cash flows in full without material delay to a third party
                                   under a “pass through” arrangement; and either:

                                   -    The Group and the Bank have transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset; or

                                   -    The  Group  and  the  Bank  have  neither  transferred  nor  retained  substantially  all  the  risks  and
                                        rewards of the assets, but has transferred control of the financial asset.

                              When the Group and the Bank have transferred their rights to receive cash flows from a financial asset or
                              have entered into a pass through arrangement, and have neither transferred nor retained substantially all the
                              risks and rewards of the asset nor transferred control of the financial asset, the financial asset is recognised
                              to the extent of the Group’s and the Bank’s continuing involvement in the financial asset. In that case, the
                              Group and the Bank also recognise an associated liability. The transferred asset and associated liability are
                              measured on a basis that reflects the rights and obligations that the Group and the Bank have retained.
                          (iii)  Impairment of financial assets
                              The MFRS 9 impairment requirements are based on an Expected Credit Loss (“ECL”) model. The ECL model
                              applies to financial assets measured at amortised cost or at FVOCI (with recycling to profit or loss), irrevocable
                              financing commitments and financial guarantee contracts, and financing of customers and debt instruments
                              held by the Group and the Bank. The ECL model also applies to contract assets under MFRS 15 Revenue
                              from Contracts with Customers and lease receivables under MFRS 117 Leases.
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