Page 419 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 419

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            10.0   ShArIAh GOvErNANCE DISCLOSurES (CONT’D)
                 Shariah Governance Structure

                 Internal Shariah Control
                 Shariah compliance management is driven top down from the Board through the Shariah Committee (“SC”) who has the
                 responsibility of understanding Shariah-related matters in the activities assumed by the Group and the Bank.

                 The Group and the Bank align its Shariah Management and Compliance organisational responsibilities with the objective of
                 ensuring a single view of risks across the Group and the Bank and putting in place capabilities for an integrated compliance
                 management. The SC function independently and ensure the integration of compliance management.

                 In ensuring that the compliance management functions are able to provide an independent evaluation of its overall business
                 decision and strategies, the functions are segregated to the business operating units.

                 Table 28: Shariah governance structure

                                                       Shariah Governance Structure
                                                         Internal Shariah Control


                    Board risk
                   Management            Shariah                                                       Board Audit
                    Committee          Committee                                                       Committee


                  risk Management        Shariah                                    Compliance         Internal Audit
                    Department           Division                                   Department          Department

                      Shariah                                                         Shariah             Shariah
                  risk Management       Advisory &                                    review              Audit

                                     Shariah Secretariat,
                                       Governance &
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