Page 241 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 241

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            14.   PrOPErTy, PLANT AND EquIPMENT
                                                    Freehold                      vehicle,
                                                    land and         Office      equipment       work-in
                 Group                              building       building     & renovation      -progress     Total
                                                      rM’000         rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                 As at 31 December 2020
                 As at 1 January 2020                 19,209         19,389       266,577             -        305,175
                 Additions                                 -             -          8,429         2,483        10,912
                 Write off                                 -             -           (974)            -          (974)
                 Disposals                                 -             -         (1,271)            -         (1,271)
                 Reclassification                          -             -          2,483         (2,483)           -

                 As at 31 December 2020                19,209        19,389       275,244             -        313,842

                 Accumulated depreciation
                 As at 1 January 2020                   1,494         7,369       240,220             -        249,083
                 Charge for the year (Note 37)           480           485         10,410             -        11,375
                 Write off                                 -             -           (967)            -          (967)
                 Disposals                                 -             -           (840)            -          (840)
                 As at 31 December 2020                 1,974         7,854       248,823             -        258,651

                 Carrying  amount as at
                   31 December 2020                    17,235        11,535        26,421             -        55,191

                 As at 31 December 2019
                 As at 1 April 2019                    19,209        19,389       259,092          560         298,560
                 Additions                                 -             -          5,966         2,055         8,021
                 Write off                                 -             -           (604)          (24)         (628)
                 Disposals                                 -             -           (460)            -          (460)
                 Reclassification                          -             -          2,273         (2,591)        (318)
                 As at 31 December 2019                19,209        19,389       266,577             -       305,175

                 Accumulated depreciation
                 As at 1 April 2019                     1,132         7,005       232,062             -        240,199
                 Charge for the period (Note 37)         362           364          9,084             -         9,810
                 Write off                                 -             -           (602)            -          (602)
                 Disposals                                 -             -           (324)            -          (324)
                 As at 31 December 2019                 1,494         7,369       240,220             -        249,083

                 Carrying  amount as at
                   31 December 2019                    17,715        12,020        26,357             -        56,092
   236   237   238   239   240   241   242   243   244   245   246