Page 191 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 191

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

                 2.3   Summary of significant accounting policies (cont’d.)

                     (b)  Financial assets (cont’d.)
                          (iii)  Impairment of financial assets (cont’d.)
                              (4)   Forward looking information

                                   ECL are the unbiased probability-weighted credit losses determined by evaluating a range of possible
                                   outcomes and considering future economic conditions. The reasonable and supportable forward looking
                                   information is based on the collation of macroeconomic data obtained from various external sources,
                                   such as, but not limited to regulators, government and foreign ministries as well as independent research

                                   Where applicable, the Bank incorporates forward-looking adjustments in credit risk factors of PD and
                                   LGD used in the ECL calculation; taking into account the impact of multiple probability-weighted future
                                   forecast economic scenarios.
                                   Embedded in ECL is a broad range of forward-looking information as economic inputs, such as:
                                   •    Consumer Price Index;
                                   •    Unemployment rates;
                                   •    House Price Indices; and
                                   •    Overnight Policy Rate.
                                   The Bank applies the following three (3) alternative macroeconomic scenarios to reflect an unbiased
                                   probability-weighted range of possible future outcomes in estimating ECL:
                                   Base scenario: This scenario reflects that current macroeconomic conditions continue to prevail; and

                                   Upside and Downside scenarios: These scenarios are set relative to the base scenario, reflecting best and
                                   worst-case macroeconomic conditions based on subject matter expert’s best judgement from current
                                   economic conditions.
                              (5)   Financial investments at FvOCI

                                   The ECL for financial investments measured at FVOCI does not reduce the carrying amount of these
                                   financial assets in the statement of financial position, which remains at fair value. Instead, an amount
                                   equal to the allowance that would arise if the assets were measured at amortised cost is recognised in OCI
                                   as an accumulated impairment amount, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss. The accumulated
                                   loss recognised in OCI is recycled to the profit and loss upon derecognition of the assets.
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