Page 125 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

                                             Key Responsibility                      Experience
              MOHAMAD MUHSIN                 Oversee the Regulatory Advisory & Compliance   •  Director,  Internal  Audit  Department,
              MOHD ANAS                      Division, functioning as an independent   Bank Negara Malaysia
                                             party that reviews, evaluates and administer   •  Deputy Director in Banking Supervision
                                             corrective action on compliance issues and   Department, Bank Negara Malaysia
                                             concerns within the Bank
              Chief Compliance Officer                                               •  Project  Manager  in  Bumiputra
                                             Qualifications                            Rehabilitation Fund Unit, Bank Negara
                                             •   Certified Anti-Money Laundering & Counter   •  Bank Supervisor, Bank Negara Malaysia
              Joined: 15 May 2019             Financing of Terrorism Compliance Officer
                                              (“CAMCO”), AICB
                                             •   Bachelor  of  Science  (Hons)  in  Accounting
                                              and Financial Analysis, The University of
                                              Warwick, UK

                                             Key Responsibility                      •  Bachelor  in  Finance,  Michigan  State
              NOOR HAYATI                    Provide  independent  and  objective  assurance   University
              ABU YAZIZ                      on the effectiveness of internal controls and   •  Diploma  in  Banking,  Institut  Teknologi
                                             governance, and consulting services and lead   MARA (now known as UiTM)
                                             the  overall direction  and leadership of  the
                                             internal audit function for the Bank    Experience
              Chief Internal Auditor                                                 •  Head  of  Business  Process  and
                                             Qualifications                            Transformation, Bank Muamalat
                                             •   Chartered  Professional  in  Islamic  Finance,   •  Head  of  Service  Performance,  CIMB
              Joined: October 2010            Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance   Aviva
              Appointed to present position:   Professional                          •  Head  of  Operations,  Insurance  Centre
              1 September 2016               •   Certified System  Investigator        of Excellence, HSBC

                                             Key Responsibility                      •  Bachelor  of  Islamic  Revealed
              MOHD IZUWAN                    Responsible for managing the Bank’s Shariah   Knowledge and Heritage (Fiqh & Usul
              MAHYUDIN                       Committee and performing the secretariat   Fiqh) degree, International Islamic
                                             function. Provides Shariah advisory and   University, Malaysia (“IIUM”)
                                             consultancy function to the Board and   •  Executive  Diploma  in  Advance
                                             Management. Provides expert inputs and    Management, DRB-Hicom University
              Head of Shariah Division       materials on research, advisory and training
                                             development on all Shariah matters in the   Experience
                                             Bank                                    •  Secretary  of  Shariah  Committee,  Bank
              Joined: 15 December 2008       Qualifications                            Muamalat
              Appointed to present position:                                         •  Head  of  Advisory  and  Secretariat
              27 July 2020                   •   Chartered  Professional  in  Islamic  Finance  of   Section, Bank Muamalat
                                              the Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance   •  Head  of  Shariah  Compliance  and
                                             •   Certified  Training  Professional    by  Financial   Review Section, Bank Muamalat
                                              Accreditation Agency                   •  Head  of  Shariah  Training  and
                                             •   Master  of  Shariah  (with  Distinction),   Awareness Section, Bank Muamalat
                                              University of Malaya
                                                                                     •  Acting  Head  of  Product  Development
                                                                                       and Innovation, Bank Muamalat
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