Page 430 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 430

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          CONTENT  INDEX

          GRI standards and Disclosure                                                          Page Number
          GRI 3: Material Topics 2021
          3-1   Process to determine material topics                                                 44
          3-2   List of material topics                                                              45
          3-3   Management of material topics                                                    45-47, 50-51
          GRI 201: economic Performance 2016
          201-1  Direct economic value generated and distributed                                     84
          201-2  Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change  Information Unavailable As Yet
          3-3   Management of material topics                                                 45-47, 50-51, 84-92
          203-1  Infrastructure investments and services supported                               50-51, 84, 87
          203-2  Significant indirect economic impacts                                           50-51, 84, 87
          GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016
          3-3   Management of material topics                                                       88-90
          205-1  Operations assessed for risks related to corruption                              88-90, 151
          205-2  Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures         88-90, 151
          205-3  Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken                            Not Applicable
          GRI 302: energy 2016
          3-3   Management of material topics                                                        94
          302-1  Energy consumption within the organisation                                          94
          GRI 303: water and effluents 2018
          3-3   Management of material topics                                                        94
          303-1  Interactions with water as a shared resource                             Information Unavailable As Yet
          303-2  Management of water discharge-related impacts                                  Not Applicable
          303-5  Water consumption                                                                   94
          GRI 306: waste 2020
          3-3   Management of material topics                                                        93
          306-1  Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts                   Information Unavailable As Yet
          306-2  Management of significant waste-related impacts                                     93
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