Page 160 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          Directors’  rePort

          PROsPecTs (cONT’D.)

          The Bank will continue to operate efficiently to better manage capital and liquidity by maintaining prudent credit risk management,
          proactively manage any potential stress in asset quality and implement intensive recovery plan. The Bank will also ensure effective
          Risk and Compliance Management programmes are in place for a more robust enforcement of regulatory requirements throughout
          its operation.
          Adapting to the vast changes in the business environment, the Bank has placed greater emphasis on strengthening the business
          through its new 5-Year strategic plan by intensifying digitalization effort, continuous expansion of its customer base and service
          efficiency. The Bank is committed to a sustainable growth through the continuous adoption of value-based intermediation initiatives
          in building stakeholders’ confidence and value.

          Moving forward, underpinned by the positive momentum in 2021 and coupled with digital and technology capabilities, the Bank
          anticipates a better performance for 2022.

          rating by external rating agencies
          Details of the Bank’s ratings are as follows:

          Rating  Agency                               Date             classification            Rating

          RAM  Rating  Services  Berhad                May  2021         Long term                  A2
                                                                         Short term                 P1
                                                                          Subordinated  Sukuk       A3
                                                                          Outlook                  Stable
          Malaysia  Rating  Corporation  Berhad        December  2021    Long term                 A
                                                                         Short term                 MARC-1
                                                                          Senior  Sukuk            A
                                                                          Outlook                  Stable
   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165