Page 117 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 117
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The Shariah Committee has the
responsibility to provide objective AZIZI
and sound advice to the Bank to
ensure that its aims and operations, CHE SEMAN
business, affairs and activities are
in compliance with Shariah. This
48, Male, Malaysian
• Providing a decision or advice
to the Bank on the application
of any rulings of the Shariah Chairman, Shariah Committee
Advisory Council of Bank Negara Joined: 1 April 2005
Malaysia (“SAC”) or standards on
Shariah matters that are applicable
to the operations, business, affairs
and activities of the Bank;
• Providing a decision or advice on Other Current Positions
matters which require a reference • Senior Lecturer, Islamic Studies Academy, University of Malaya
to be made to the SAC;
• Shariah Advisor, Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia
• Providing a decision or advice on
the operations, business, affairs • Member, Shariah Committee, Agrobank
and activities of the Bank which
may trigger a Shariah non- Qualifications
compliance event; • Master in Economics, International Islamic University of Malaysia (“IIUM”)
• Bachelor in Shariah, University Malaya
• Deliberating and affirming a
Shariah non-compliance finding Relevant Working Experience
by any relevant functions; and
• Lecturer, Islamic Studies Academy, University of Malaya
• Endorsing a rectification measure
to address a Shariah non-
compliance event.