


Pin & Pay and Contactless Transaction

The industry-wide move to replace signature cards with PIN cards has started since from mid-2015. Signature will gradually be phased out as cards and terminals are upgraded. When you receive your new Chip and PIN card, you should enter a PIN when prompted, instead of signing, when making a card payment at a point of sale terminal in Malaysia.

From 1 July 2017 onwards, signature will no longer be accepted when you use your card to make a domestic payment. If you are using your card overseas, please ensure you remember the PIN for your card before leaving Malaysia. Those countries that have not yet migrated to PIN will still require that you sign for verification in order to use your card for payment. However, because your new card supports PIN for purchases, some countries may require payment to be completed with a PIN when prompted.

Pin & Pay and Contactless Transaction

The industry-wide move to replace signature cards with PIN cards has started since from mid-2015. Signature will gradually be phased out as cards and terminals are upgraded. When you receive your new Chip and PIN card, you should enter a PIN when prompted, instead of signing, when making a card payment at a point of sale terminal in Malaysia.

From 1 July 2017 onwards, signature will no longer be accepted when you use your card to make a domestic payment. If you are using your card overseas, please ensure you remember the PIN for your card before leaving Malaysia. Those countries that have not yet migrated to PIN will still require that you sign for verification in order to use your card for payment. However, because your new card supports PIN for purchases, some countries may require payment to be completed with a PIN when prompted.

What is a pre-authorization?

A pre-authorization is a temporary hold of a specific amount from the available balance on the payment card. It is used to verify that the card is active and has sufficient available funds prior to dispensing fuel.


What happens when I use my debit card-i at a AFD?

When you use your card at AFD at a petrol station, the AFD will authorize the fuel transaction before you can start pumping fuel into your vehicle. This is performed by sending a pre-authorization amount on the payment card to your card issuer.


What amount will be pre-authorized on my card when using self-service pump?

Because the pre-authorization must happen before the fuel is pumped, the actual amount of fuel pumped is not yet known at the time of the pre-authorization. The agreed pre-authorization amount at AFD in Malaysia is set to RM200.


What if the amount of fuel pumped is less than the pre-authorized amount?

The amount of the pre-authorization is not a charge and no funds are debited from the card account, but the available balance on the card is temporarily reduced by the pre-authorization amount. Once you have completed pumping fuel, the actual amount for the fuel dispensed will be sent to your issuing bank. At this point the actual amount will be debited from the card account, and the pre-authorization amount is cleared. However, this may take 3-4 business days after the fuel was dispensed and the pre-authorization was generated.


What if my available funds are less than RM200 or if I was to avoid a RM200 hold of funds on my card?

Customers who want to avoid a pre-authorization at self-service pumps are advised to go to the cashier where the exact purchase amount would be deducted from the cardholder’s account.

Is it safe to use BMMB Aisya Contactless Debit Card-i?

Yes. With secure encryption technology, BMMB Aisya Contactless Debit card-i is safe as your regular card.

  • You are in control: your card never leaves your hands to make a payment.
  • No accidental payments: your card must tap the reader at checkout.
  • INot billed twice: Even if you tap more than once at the checkout, you’ll only get billed once for your purchase.


Why aren’t signatures or a PIN required?

To ensure that using BMMB Contactless Debit Card-i is as quick, simple and convenient as cash, retailers/merchants that accept ontactless card do not need you to sign for small purchases (RM250 or less).


When will the PIN is required?
  • To ensure that you have the peace of mind in dealing with our contactless card, we put a limit for transaction without PIN.
  • When the transaction on a single charge is over RM250 or daily cumulative is above RM250


How do I execute Contactless Transaction using Aisya Debit card?
  • Just Wave or Tap the card at the contactless reader at any participating MyDebit merchants.
  • No PIN is required for any single transaction up to RM250.00.
  • For BMMB, your daily cumulative limit is capped at RM250.00.


Can I disable the functionality or reduce the daily cumulative limit?

The functionality can be disabled and the daily cumulative limit can be reduced. Please visit any of our branches or you can call our Customer Service Department via our toll-free number 03-2600 5500 to turn off or set a lower daily cumulative limit.


Is it possible to clone a card using Radio-frequency identification (RFID)?

Due to a microchip that’s embedded inside the BMMB Aisya Contactless Debit Card-i and because of its advanced encryption technology, it is extremely difficult to copy a contactless card chip and create a functioning counterfeit version of that card.


Could I unknowingly make a purchase if I walk past a contactless reader?

A contactless card must be very close to the contactless reader at the cashier to work. Your contactless card will only work when the card is within 4cm of the card reader. Furthermore, the reader needs to be enabled by the cashier and this will only happen when the cashier initiates a transaction at the terminal to accept payment. If the contactless reader is not processing a transaction, it will not read any contactless card presented in front of it by mistake.


What happens if I have more than one contactless card in my wallet and I tap my wallet on the contactless reader?

If you hold your card up to a reader and you have any other contactless payment cards nearby, the reader might detect more than one card and won’t complete the payment. You’ll need to perform the transaction again. You should make sure you only hold one card near the reader and always take it out of your wallet.


What do I do if my BMMB Aisya Contactless Debit Card-i has been lost or stolen?

If you have lost your card or suspect unauthorized activity on your account, immediately contact our Customer Care at 1300-88-8787 (operating 24 hours every day).

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2025-03-25 09:14:04