


Muamalat Venture Sdn Bhd

Muamalat Venture Sdn Bhd (“MVSB”) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad (“Bank Muamalat”). MVSB was incorporated in Malaysia on 20 June 2006 as a private limited liability company and has been in operation since 1 October 2006. MVSB is principally engaged in the business of Islamic venture capital through Musharakah investment concept and provisions of Islamic venture capital management.

MVSB is a registered licensed Islamic venture capital management corporation under the Securities Commission of Malaysia (SC) since 6 May 2010. MVSB is also a member of the Malaysian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association. MVSB manages investment which covers high growth companies, mezzanine and pre-IPO companies.

MVSB is governed by its Board of Directors comprising members of the senior management of Bank Muamalat, while the Investment Committee (“IC”) of Bank Muamalat provides oversight on all investment decisions.

MVSB leverages on the experience and infrastructure of Bank Muamalat. The management of MVSB is under the responsibility of Investment Banking Division of Bank Muamalat, which covers originating investment potentials, managing investment under MVSB and execution of investment strategy to generate the desired Return On Investment (“ROI”). Investment Banking team of Bank Muamalat comprises of investment banking professionals covering the debt & equity markets, which also provide advisory services to its investee companies.


Contact Details

Business Office
Muamalat Venture Sdn Bhd (Company No 200601018563 (738316-M))
5th Floor, Menara Bumiputra
21 Jalan Melaka
50100 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2615 8212 / 8214 / 8217


Khairul Kamarudin
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director

Experience and Qualifications

En. Khairul Kamarudin is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad. Encik Khairul bin Kamarudin brings with him 22 years of experience in the financial industry, of which 14 years were with Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB). He was Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BIMB (July 2017 to August 2018) and former CEO of BIMB Holdings Berhad (June 2017 to August 2018). During his tenure with BIMB and prior to his appointment as the CEO he held the positions of Deputy CEO, Director of Business Development, Head of Consumer Banking and Head of Special Recovery.

He has a Law Degree from Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom. He is also a Member of the Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance (CIIF).

Encik Khairul’s Islamic Banking and Finance Industry experience includes being Director of BIMB Investment Berhad, Board Member of IAP (Investment Account Platform), Board Member of Islamic Banking and Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM), Board Member of Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP). Before joining BIMB he was with Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad for 5 years. Encik Khairul started his career as an Audit Senior with PriceWaterhouseCoopers Malaysia (Assurance & Business Advisory Services, Banking & Financial Services Group).

Amirul Nasir Abdul Rahim
Investment Committee Member

Experience and Qualifications

Encik Amirul Nasir Abdul Rahim is currently the Chief Financial Officer of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad (BMMB) with effect from 1 September 2021. Prior to joining BMMB, he was the Director, Strategy & Finance, CIMB Niaga, Indonesia.

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BRUNEI DOLLARBND3.4230003.2280003.217000
CANADIAN DOLLARCAD3.1540003.0450003.028000
SWISS FRANCCHF5.1390004.9220004.904000
EURO EUR4.9500004.6800004.658000
STERLING POUNDGBP5.8790005.6260005.617000
NEW ZEALAND DOLLARNZD2.6680002.4790002.464000
SINGAPORE DOLLARSGD3.4230003.2280003.227000
UNITED STATES DOLLARUSD4.5650004.3240004.307000

2025-03-25 09:14:04